If you would like to schedule an appointment or have any other questions, we would love to hear from you. Please call 613 345-2322.
First visit
At your first visit, we review medical and dental history. Please bring list of your medications, allergies or other pertinent information that could effect your dental care. You may choose to complete your online patient registration form prior to your first appointment.
If you have current X-Rays from a previous dentist, you may request that they forward the X-Rays to our office. If additional X-Rays are necessary, they can be taken at our facility.
Oral cancer screening and dental examination will be performed by dentists. This includes checking status of your gum tissue and teeth.
After the examination process, a consultation explaining your diagnosis and treatment options will be presented. For more complex treatment plan, we may require more evaluation and a treatment plan may be presented at a second appointment. The impression for study models may be necessary for some patients.
Financial Policy
Our fees follow Ontario Dental Association fee guide.
For your convenience, we can send the insurance claim directly to your insurance company. We also accept Visa, MasterCard, Cash, and Cheque. Our service includes providing dental X-Rays and a written diagnostic report should your insurance company have any questions about the services.
At all times, you may be confident that we will always provide you with our best services without regard to the allowances or limitations imposed by your insurance coverage.